Sunday, June 15, 2008

Dixie Chicks vs. America?

Politics in the United States is taken very seriously. The President of the United States is the head of the state and government. So if you were to go against the head of the state and government, there’s going to be major issues. In the down south region of the US, you can see it’s very patriotic. But not all American’s love there own leader.
Country music is extremely well-liked down south as well. An all girls group by the name of “The Dixie Chick” is a popular country band. They have sold over thirty-six million copies (most albums sold by an all female band). They are from Texas, country singers and very popular. You might be asking, what does the Dixie Chicks and politics have in common?
Well, in 2003 President George W. Bush went to war in Iraq. The reason for the war was because the United States government had suspicion that Iraq had “weapons of mass destruction”. American’s across the country supported the invasion. The war was heavily supported in the down south region of the United States. It was heavily supported but, not all supported the war that was from the down south region. Natalie Maines who is one third of the Dixie Chicks had made a controversial comment during on of there concerts. “Just so you know, we’re on the good side with y’all. We do not want this war, this violence, and we’re ashamed that the President of the United States is from Texas.”
This sparked a feud amongst the Dixie Chicks and most of the United States.
Not knowing the consequences of speaking out, Maines’ comments quickly made headlines everywhere. Her comments where first published in the Guardian, a London news paper. American’s where boycotting Dixie Chicks songs. "If you guys play another Dixie Chicks song, we'll never listen to you again," one country music fan told KBEQ. Although Maines’ comments against President Bush were offensive, she did say that she supported the troupes one hundred percent. Even if the Dixie Chicks said some comments about the president, don’t they have there own opinion and right to free speech? Some did not agree on what the Dixie chicks believed. Therefore, people stopped buying there records. But as time went by, people started to relies that the war was not productive at all. Bush’s supporters where turning on him as they did to the Dixie Chicks. A well known hip-hop artist by the name of Kanye West had spoken out against the lack of relief efforts due to Hurricane Katrina. Many artists have spoken out against George Bush after the Dixie Chicks. They had their beliefs and stood by them.

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